Living well with the HIV campaign aimed to demonstrate how people living with HIV can live everyday lives just like anybody. In the Congo, the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS is enormous, causing many to isolate themselves from the community. The campaign’s objective was to educate the masses on available medication, what it means to be HIV positive, and how we can achieve the AIDS-free generation by 2030.
We worked in partnership with the national HIV/AIDS programme in Congo (PNMLS and PNLS), health professions working at the national infectious disease institution (IRNB) and activists. The primary intention of partnering with PNMLS was to grant Lobiko access and permission to work directly with the community and other organisations in the Congo. Lobiko supported the DRC’s 90 90 90 objectives, by leading workshops at the General hospital in Kinshasa, a conference on sexual infectious diseases and other viruses such as Chikungunya, addressed children at the orphanage about HIV/AIDS and visited hospital de Kimbondo and Les Amis de Demain.